One of the most important components of your computer is the cooling system. Without a proper cooling system, your computer would be highly susceptible to overheating, which could end up destroying everything beyond repair inside of the case.

Another reason why you need to make sure your computer isn’t overheating is that it will run a lot slower when it’s too hot. If you want to make sure your computer doesn’t run slow or won’t be destroyed completely, read this blog to know more about how to prevent your computer from overheating.

What is the optimal temperature your computer should be at?

Although there are many types of computers that are made out of different components (processors, video cards, hard drives, fans, etc.), if you have a laptop or computer that you use for non-intensive processes (work, video games, illustrating), the ideal temperature should be around 40-80C when it’s in use, but it should never exceed 80C.

The best way to check the temperature of your computer

Most people will put their hand on the case or near the vent to see how hot their computer is, but this isn’t always the best option because the inside of your computer could be a lot hotter. With that being said, if you do touch your computer and it’s way too hot to touch for longer than a few seconds, you need to get it repaired immediately.


The easiest way to check the temperature of your computer is to install a program that will be able to read the internal temperature. If you aren’t aware of any, Windows has a program that you can download called HWMonitor. There are other programs like GKrellM that can be used on any computer system.

How to prevent your computer from overheating

There are a few factors that can make your computer overheat. The most common one is if you have an older computer or laptop that you haven’t cleaned in a while (or ever!). Dust and hair can get trapped inside the vent and fan, which overworks the hard drive because it’s not getting the proper airflow to help cool it down.


Another reason why your computer may overheat is the external temperature. This could be using your laptop outside on a hot, summer day for too long or having your PC too close to a fireplace or heater. An easy solution to cool your computer down, in this case, is to move locations or turn off the heat source.

Get your computer repaired at Burlington Cell Phone Repairs

If you are having an overheating problem or other possible computer problem that needs a repair, bring it into Burlington Cell Phone Repairs. We always perform a free diagnostics to see what the problem is, then provide a detailed repair quote that you can review to decide if you want us to do any repairs.